PI Update: The Case For The Dance Floor

This is Mannequins on beautiful Pleasure Island.
It had that curious garage door on the side of the building that was always kept locked.
Except one night in early 2010 when the door was left raised overnight and one of our readers took photos from the door opening. And it answered one of the most pressing questions of the time; was the revolving dance floor still in there?  And as we could see, it most definitely was!
In 2013 another anonymous reader provided the Blog with a whole series of shocking photos LINK showing the state of Mannequins' interior. Once again we could see it was still there.
So when the building was finally converted to restaurant Morimoto Asia in 2015, what became of the revolving floor?  It's the Blog's position that the floor is still down there, simply covered by this unusual-looking faux floor placed on framework over the dance floor. No one ever saw the prior floor removed and it would have created a huge hole to deal with. There was never any need to remove it when you could simply build over it. So some day, Mannequins could rise again!
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